03 January 2013


Well here we are day 1. I sort of feel like this is my first day of school. :) Nervous, excited, scared....a gamut of emotions.

While I'm excited about my 365 what I am most thrilled about is connecting with other photogs and building a sense of community with like minded camera happy friends!!

Here's my little guy Andrew. He's only been with us for 4 months and make no mistake about it he completes our family in every sense of the word. I remember after I had my second little girl, Jillian after awhile we started getting the questions about wether or not we were going to have another baby. I always said I didn't know, we didn't know. I never was ready to close that chapter. I never felt completely done.

Fast forward two years later and it's such a great feeling to say "We are done!" Even though we jokingly say if Andrew was our first he would be our last and even though the last 4 months have been difficult to say the least, we also know we are beyond blessed and thankful everyday for our three children.



Runner up....

Jan 1, 2013

1 comment:

Ashley Carlon said...

He is such a beautiful baby. I love both of these, especially the first, such beautiful focus on his gorgeous eyes!

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